Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The silly season - managing the silliness

It's December!  I'm very proud of the advent calendar I made for the boys this year - and even more proud that having spent a ludicrous amount of time making it back in September I remembered to dig it out, hang it up last night!  Last year we had 24 xmas coloured socks collected from the op shop over the year (don't worry I washed them) with numbers written on them with fabric paint.  I filled the socks with little treats for each day - mostly two roses chocolates - one for each boy - in each sock.  This year I'm only going to fill each pocket the night before as the calendar hangs in the lounge well within reach of prying little fingers.  I am going to try to limit the tooth ravaging treats this year and started as I meant to continue last night with a note for the boys about all the things we have planned for December and some animal picture cards - Master O can prattle on about them, and Master L can play snap.  One down, twenty three to go!
 It's been  very kid-focused day with Master L's end of term 'dress rehearsal for parents' of The Little Prince.  They had planned a week of intensive rehearsals followed by three nights of performances for the paying public - but as with all things in Greymouth since the mine explosion it was put on hold (all church space and all head space booked out indefinitely).  Master L was a volcano on the Little Prince's planet, as far as I understand it his decision to sit down part way through the scene was a failure to stay in role. I didn't get to see much as I was Master O wrangling out the back.  Master L was left with a very positive ending to the year though - the 'shared feast' as he calls all pot luck events was a great success.  Tomorrow the whole town is pushing pause for the memorial service for our miners, a particular pause anyway.

Day 8 of the advent calander.  My best success thus far has been a note telling the boys they can have a hot chocolate drink with breakfast (success as measured by the delight expressed by the boys- especially for Leo who is new to deciphering anything other than a school reader,  but also it was essentially free and did not involve the accumulation of clutter).   My epic failure - urgh!  broke all the no-crap rules - I think sweets would have been better.  It was late and I grabbed my box of random crap from birthday parties etc. and popped in a little parachute man for Leo and a mini-car for Oscar.   Leo managed to break the parachute string and get it hopelessly tangled while unfolding it, Oscar took his car to the bathroom for a potty visit and left it there, where I stood on it - it didn't stand a chance.   So - plastic heading to the rubbish bin and two unhappy chappies.  Lesson learned.

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