Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't buy it!

This is how easy I am to entertain:  All materials sourced from the 'Sharing Shed' op shop.  The concept a change purse with the words 'Don't buy it' embroidered on each side.  O.k it probably won't work as a budgeting tool but it will make me smile, and possibly even think twice about whether that lamington with my weekly latte is all it's cracked up to be......
O.k so maybe it needs a little more design work to pull off the look I'm going for.  But a success as an  instant gratification sewing project (while fending off determined helper aged 2 and 11/12ths).

It is a heavy message though.  One I'm not managing to take on board as much as I should.  Not just about sticking to the budget, but about being aware of the choices I make and the impacts they have.  Anyway.  Don't buy it!   

Update - more subtle version - fabric from sallies (in a pack of new fabric samples - upholestery?)