Today has been the most relaxed day of the holidays so far. We have had two sets of visitors from out of town, lots of trips and visits so it was a relief to sleep in, take Oscar very late to preschool and do some ordinary hanging out getting things done with Leo. First he had helped me clean out the container draw and the baking draw - both of which get out of control in about a week but which only get cleaned out once a term if they're lucky. Then we sat down and did a bit of finger knitting. To start with it looked totally impossible on his little fingers, but after a few stitches he was away and is now adorned with lots of little lumpy blue fluffy bling (can bling be fluffy?). The yarn he chose was slub yarn - thick and thin - that I had dyed blotchy blues yonks ago.
After lunch we wandered down to pick up Oscar and met the Cobden Bunny - as we always do when heading in that direction. He is currently the Cobden Easter Bunny in honour of the fact that he lives in Cobden, is a bunny and it is Easter. Anyway he's a bit of a sad story although amazing as he is still lolloping around after all these months. The first time we saw him (he is a beautiful lop eared fellow with pale brown splotches on white) we went door knocking thinking someone must be missing him. When we got the the 'right' house the woman there - surrounded by kids, the older of which go to school with Leo - told us "yeah it got out, it's not a nice rabbit, we don't care if it dies". There are a lot of dogs in this neighbourhood, but the Cobden bunny persists. The bunny lead to some interesting discussions with Leo about 'The Easter Bunny' who Leo fervently believes in. One of our recent visitors who is also 7 totally bewildered Leo by telling him that he won't play any games or dress ups that involve magic or ghosts because "God thinks magic is a bit icky". So - on the way to preschool it went something like this, Leo: "I believe in the Eater Bunny, but I don't believe in God because who made God so he could make the universe?" Me: "So who made the Easter Bunny?" Leo: "Well, when the world formed, proteins clumped together into living organisms which one day turned into the Easter Bunny - but not until after the dinosaurs". So glad we got all that cleared up!
Leo's day took a turn for the worse in the late afternoon when he was making some alterations to his rubber band gun (a wood work project) and became intensely frustrated to the point where he flung the hammer (child sized but still ghastly) up and back and got himself a sharp blow on the back of his head with the claw. Yikes. B immediately got him lying on his front in bed while we discussed the possiblity of neading an A & E excursion. There was blood, there was a very nasty looking gash about 1cm by 0.5cm - seemingly to the bone - how much flesh is there on the back of a little boys head? didn't go poking around to see how deep. We decided on a Granparental consult (Ma and Pa both have a medical background) and were reassured that the spot he hit is just about the toughest part of the skull and that as long as he stays alert and not vomiting all should be well, nasty long lasting bruising excepted. Every time I have seen Leo use that hammer - starting from about aged 2 (yes I know!!) I have cringed at the image of the claw coming towards his face and he lifts it, never expected this though! Hopefully a succinct and effective life long lesson in anger management and hammer safety.
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