Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In search of a shadow

I've been very much enjoying Mr O's newish to the planet take on the world. We drove out to 9 mile beach last night, making use of the low tide to harvest a few bags of mussels. The boys were having a lovely time with their long stretched out shadows on the beach as the sun went down. After watching the sunset Oscar spun slowly around several times before asking - tone indicating deep concern "I can't find my shadow". I reassured him that none of us could keep our shadows after the sun had gone down, and got him to check - but he came back with "but the sea still has a shadow" I thought that was completely left field until I realised he thought the wet tide line on the shore was the seas shadow - obvious really. He was happy again once the big orange balloon of a moon made an appearance.
He has also coined the phase "good boysing" which means he's doings something that he would generally expect to be praised for e.g. Me 'what are you up to Oscar?" Oscar "I'm good boysing!" (so far used when washing hands and putting dishes on bench).
Then tonight - while we had guests - he sent the room into quizzicle silence by announcing "My friends are big, my poos are big, and YOU are BIGGER!"

Slow Technology - now there is a new concept for me. Is it weaving, knitting, mowing the lawn with a push mower? Maybe, maybe not. It claims to be a reaction against the social and cultural values which stress us out and reduce satisfaction by insisting that everything must be speedy and crammed "grabbed, snatched, squeezed" in order for us not to waste a single second of our valuable time. I will find out more, and I will blether on about it.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your info and take on slow technology Megan. Love the shadow discussion. Hope you have had a great start to this week.
